We are so excited to feature Nicole Gradeless in this month's GoBe Mom highlight!
Nicole is one of those human gems that wants to share goodness and genuinely make the world a better place. Read on to learn all about our friend, Nicole!

Where are you from?
I'm from Corpus Christi, Texas
How many kids do you have?
I have 3 kiddos 2 boys 1 girl (ages 9, 6, and 4)

What is your kids favorite Snack to eat from the Snack Spinner?
Diced fruit and blueberries
What are your personal hobbies?
I love shopping and sharing my favorite finds with my social followers.
What do you and your family like to do together?
We love to go on hiking adventures!

A place you want to travel but haven’t yet.
I really want to go to Greece one day!
Tell us about a rewarding “motherhood” moment.
Hands down my most rewarding moments are when I get to watch my kiddos learn something new and succeed!

What do you do to practice self-care?
I need to be better about it but I try to make time to exercise solo a few times a week!
If you could instill one piece of advice in your newborn child, what advice would that be?
Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself! Material possessions will go away, but relationships with people will stand the test of time.

What impact do you want to leave the world?
I want the world to be a better place. I want people to feel loved and appreciated in hopes that they spread that energy to people around them too!
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